Project Timeline
Former Beech-Nut Site Revitalization Process
In June 2011 both the County and Village to began the Beech-nut site revitalization process.

Clean Up

Reuse Planning


Project History
June, 2010
Beech-Nut Relocation
Beech-Nut relocated to new state of the art facility in the Town of Florida.
Beech-Nut Site Sold
Former Beech-Nut facility sold to Ohio developer for potential site redevelopment.
Beech-Nut Site Abandoned
$2 million in back taxes owed.
February, 2016
Exit 29 Task Force
County Executive establishes Exit 29 Task Force to bring stakeholders together to review the site.
August, 2016
Environmental Work Begins
Environmental assessment work begins on the former Beech-Nut site before EPA funds from TBA.
December, 2016
LWRP Grant Secured
County Receives $85K LWRP (Local Waterfront Revitalization Program) Grant.
August, 2016
Public Meeting Held
County & Village host Public Meeting for community outreach and public input.
January, 2017
Restore NY Grant Secured
Montgomery County receives a $500K Restore NY Grant.
February, 2017
National Grid Grant Secured
Montgomery County receives $300,000 grant from National Grid.
July, 2017
Montgomery County Forecloses
With $2 million in back taxes owed, Montgomery County foreclosed on the site and took ownership.
March, 2018
$5 million grant was announced with the $1 million in March 2018
Village of Canajoharie – $6,000,000 – The only project in New York State to receive a “special project” designation, this award will allow for the demolition of abandoned and condemned warehouse space at the former Beech-Nut facility, that sits on a 26.9 acre parcel of land, creating a 15-acre shovel-ready site.
Spring, 2018
East Side Demolition
East side structures near Exit 29 off ramp demolished and site cleaned, leaving bare concrete slabs.
May, 2018
County & EPA Collaborate
County & EPA Collaborate to remove debris piles located on the exterior of the former Beech-Nut facility.
July, 2018
Engineering Firm Hired
Engineering Firm LiRo hired to conduct an engineering study to determine the cost to demolish remaining structures at the former Beech-Nut facility.
October, 2018
Community Outreach & RFEI
Meetings are held to engage the community for input on future use. Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) are solicited by the Exit 29 Task Force.
January, 2019
Demolition Firm Hired
Binghamton-based demolition contractor Gorick is hired to remove the remaining structures on the east side of the Beech-Nut site.
May, 2019
Website Launched website Launched to Enhance Redevelopment Efforts
August, 2019
Demolition Continues
Demolition of East Side structures completed by Gorick.
August, 2019
Cleanup & Planning
Asbestos Abatement RFP Issued, Contractors Tour Site.
October, 2019
Apollo Dismantling Services, LLC. Selected
Montgomery County Legislature Selects Apollo Dismantling Services, LLC., for Further Demolition and Asbestos Abatement Work.
November, 2019
Further Debris Removal
National Grid Grant Paid for Debris Removal.
November, 2019
Billboards Installed
Exit 29 Redevelopment Billboard Installed.
January, 2020
Asbestos Remediation
Asbestos Remediation & Abatement Begun.
August, 2020
Canajoharie Village Board Updated
County Executive Ossenfort Provides Site Update to Public Canajoharie Village Board Members.
October, 2020
Second Round of Asbestos Abatement
Second Round of Asbestos Abatement Work Completed.
April, 2021
Signing of Purchase-and-Sale agreement with E29 Labs for 19.6 acres
In April 2021, following New York State’s passage of the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA) Montgomery County entered into a Purchase-and-Sale agreement with E29 Labs, a prospective commercial cannabis production company.
The investment, which would encompass 19.6 acres of the 26.9 acre site, has the potential to realize significant private investment by the company, as well as the creation of union manufacturing, office and executive support employment opportunities. Returning the property to private ownership will also help generate critical new revenue streams for Montgomery County as well as the Village and Town of Canajoharie.
December, 2022
Montgomery County Set To Award Contract For Next Phase Of Demolition For Former Beech-Nut Plant
Montgomery County has authorized an agreement with Ritter & Paratore Contracting that includes demolition of 22 buildings, as well as the canopy structures over the former northern and southern loading docks at the vacant Exit 29 site.
“This is one of the few remaining hurdles for the redevelopment of this important property,” said County Executive Matthew Ossenfort in a statement. “It’s been a long road, but we’ve been making marked progress toward having a site ready for redevelopment.”
January 2024
Signing of Purchase-and-sale agreement with Pennrose Properties
Pennrose Properties, LLC, purchased a portion of the site for $450,000, with the goal of redeveloping it into a mix of housing and commercial space.
April 2024
Demolition Completed At Site
Demolition is completed at the site, a monumental accomplishment, considering the size and scope of the project. All of the buildings were vacant and abandoned for more than a decade. Now, completed the site shovel-ready and available for redevelopment.
January 2025
IDA Acquires Portion of Site
The Montgomery County Industrial Development Agency acquired a 16-acre portion of the site from Montgomery County, following an agreement with 102 Church Street, LLC, the real estate holding company for E29 Labs. The IDA will now use its expertise in marketing properties and industrial parks towards redevelopment at the site.
Grant Summary
Received Grants | Amount |
NYS DOS LWRP | $85,000 |
Restore NY | $500,000 |
National Grid Brownfield Redevelopment | $300,000 |
Restore NY | $1,000,000 |
Restore NY Special Project (Only in NYS) | $5,000,000 |
Total: | $6,885,000 |
Project Resources
Project Overview
Learn more about the Exit 29 Redevelopment project, view the site plan and more.
Site Conditions
26.9 acres and 35 structures are available for development and the site is electric and water ready.
Use Considerations
The Exit 29 site offers exciting developer opportunities along with direct NYS Thruway access.
Unlimited Potential
The former Beech-Nut site located at Exit 29 on the NYS Thruway in upstate New York offers unlimited potential for development across numerous industries from commercial and industrial uses to residential housing and entertainment venues. The Exit 29 Redevelopment Project is fully supported both by Montgomery County and village residents who are eager to welcome the right developer to their vibrant and enthusiastic community.
From breathtaking local scenery to a passionate community there is no better development opportunity in upstate New York.